Berry Time


Cape Elizabeth shows its farming history in many ways. One of the most enjoyable is when strawberry season arrives in late June. Maxwell's Farm has become a local institution for its you-pick business, which draws hungry crowds daily during the season. The delights of picking and tasting the luscious red berries are enhanced by the divine aroma that seems to engulf the entire south end of town for the better part of a month.

For some lucky people, there is no chance to rest before raspberry harvest starts. Though lacking a strong aroma, these succulent jewels of the garden boast a deep red color and intense taste which make the strawberries before them seem like just a warm-up.

And it's not just the human survivors of Maine's harsh winters who relish these delicious rewards - berry aficionados come in many species.

1149 Strawberry Row

1150 Jumbo Handful

1151 Sweet Young Things

1157 Heavenly Taste

1158 Just Strawberries

1179 Strawberry Fantasy #3

1193 Strawberry Fantasy #2

1207 Strawberry Girl

1209 Strawberry Fantasy #1

1218 Strawberry Squirrel

1221 August Ambrosia

1222 Handful of Heaven

1223 Inner Light

1224 Caught Poaching

1225 Red Jewels

1226 Shared Harvest