Harrison Digital Images


ABOUT MY EQUIPMENT: The most important capability that a

camera can offer my creativity is a single lens that does the work

of many. All of the images on this site were captured using one

of the compact ultra-zoom cameras listed below.


The optical power that such cameras offer means there is no

large gear bag to worry about or carry to difficult places in search

of that special point of view. Hence the camera is more likely to

be with me and ready when a photo opportunity appears. A huge

fringe benefit of this simplicity is that I can concentrate on the image

rather than the equipment.


My first digital camera was an Olympus 700C-UZ, with a 10x optical

zoom (38-380 mm equivalent in 35 mm format), one built-in macro

mode, manual flip flash, and 2.1 MP resolution.


Next was a Canon S2 IS, with a 12x optical zoom (36-432 mm

equivalent in 35 mm format), macro and supermacro modes, manual

flip flash, swivel LCD viewscreen, and a 5 MP resolution. This was

followed by the present Canon S5 IS, an 8 MP near twin of the S2.

After the camera itself, the only major pieces of equipment I use are

two tripods, full size and mini.


My three Canon 35 mm film SLR bodies and their lenses served me

well for nearly 25 years, but have not been out of the closet for any

real work since the Olympus 700C-UZ came along in 2001. I think

one of them may still have a roll of film in it.


It's a different (digital) world now!


September 3, 2008